Why to use THW co.

Since we opened THW, our slogan has been Trust, Honesty, and Wisdom.

We have working on giving our customers the best product with the best price.

Not only this, but we have been developing our product in order to satisfy the customers needs

    When we sought about building our factory, we should take into consideration the resources that are available in Egypt. Since the pharaohs’ times, Egypt has been an agricultural country. Thus, this affirms for us that we will always find our material for manufacturing of charcoal Briquettes. We can not only find the basic material, but also the binders that we will use like Molasses, Flour, and Starch. The Second Factor is the place where our factory will be built. The first thing that attracted us is the space of the land which is 5000 meter squares in the middle of agricultural land. Thus, it is an excellent choice. The Third Factor is the support that we got from the government. The Government was convinced that our factory would help the environment. Furthermore, by checking all the settings of the factory, they gave us all the registered papers. The Fourth Factor is that we want to make sure that our product follow the international specifications of the world .Thus, we not only were always sending our product to laboratory in order to be tested but also we made a partnership with European Companies. Our Company think that by implementing these procedures, we can implement our slogan Trust, Honor, and Wisdom.

    THW co.

    Our Basic material is Charcoal combined with other natural binders. The Binders are all natural in order to preserve the healthy food for our customers. The Final material is water for the mold of the flour or starch. By using water, we assure that the press works properly. Finally, the small percentage that we use of binders does not make a strong smell that may spoil the food.
    With Thousand Metric Tons production capacity, our customers find the amount that they need in our factory. This Capacity comes from the facilities of our factory, we make sure that the best quality and price with the biggest amount can our customers need. Our rolling press can produce one and half metric tons every hour and a good quality dryer, we can give our customers moisture-free products.

    Get in Touch

    42 Gamal Abd El Nasr St., Nazlet El Samman, Al Haram, Giza, Egypt.

    Find us at the office

    e-mail: info@thwcompany.com

    Give us a ring

    tel. 0020233850484
    tel. 00201223575236